Sorry for breaking the rules -- you've probably noticed that this is not a photo of a shop window.
Why, you ask? Well, this is the last post for our Wassenaar Daily Photo blog. After two years of living in The Netherlands and trying to see as much of Europe as possible, we are moving back to the U.S.
The collage you see represent the Theme Day photos published on this blog. You can see the original posts here.
We'd like to thank everyone who visited and commented on our photos. If you'd like to see more of The Netherlands, be sure to visit The Hague and Rotterdam daily photo blogs, or one of the many blogs not in the CDPB group like Dick in Texel, JoAnn in Naarden, or one of the other links to your left.
Feel free to leave a comment (even though we won't be able to return comments for a while). And if you want to get back to the CDPB Theme Days, Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
O Rich, this was not what i was hoping to see :(!
Wow, i will be missing your great photo's and insights to places i have never been to.
Wishing you and your family the best of luck, wherever you end up.
And who knows, you can always start a DP blog from your new place.
Well, as we say, "Shucks," (as in the old days when the corn shucks were removed in the field before the ear of corn was thrown onto the wagon)I will be one among many who will miss Rich. Maybe you can surprise the daylights out of us one day when you get settled in to wherever fairy land will be, and launch a new blog. I wonder.
Will miss you.
Shalom to you as you head home. Hope you can readjust to the New World. Thanks for all the beauty you shared.
Oh no, I will miss your beautiful photos and insightful comments. I've been a fan for about a year, since a friend moved to Wassenaar. I've learned so much from your site and especially enjoyed the off-the-beaten-path photos. Welcome back to the U.S. and best of luck.
Oh no, just when I got to know you through the Images Photoclub!!!!!!
I still hope you'll take the time once and a while to come and visit some of your CDP friends, and why not, start a new city blog in your new city......
I wish you all the best of luck especially in this transition time before you definitely settle down again in the States. Cheers!
As the Beatles sang "Get back where you once belonged..."
Happy return to the green green...
good luck you guys and thanks for the great photos--if you decide to re-settle in chicago, be sure to say hi...take care...
I hope you decide to continue with the Daily photo blog of wherever you are coming back too! Let me know!
A little late I know, but I wanted to say thanks for sharing your photos with everybody. Who knows, maybe there will be a new daily photo blog popping up somewhere else in the world!
A little late too, it makes me feel sad to see you go.
All the best of luck back home!
thank you!!!!
rich, i hope you do read this where-ever you are. i am so thankfull that you were posing about wassenaar! a plce where i wet to school, you did a great job THANK YOU!
i hope to see you back in blogland with info about the USA...
if not Thankyou and farewell!
Joann from holland
Thanks for presenting a wonderful blog during your stay here
Please leave the archives intact so we can pop back from time to time.
Good luck for any future ventures.
Beautiful photos! We'll miss you!
Best wishes!
Very impressive posting. I enjoyed it. I think that others will find it useful for them. It is a good posting. It's pretty much impressive with it. Good luck.
Very nice & impressive posting. I liked it very much . Others will like it also. Good luck with your work. ;)
Quite nice, thanks! :)
call Nepal
what great pics. i wished i had seen those windmills rather than the ones at the u.n. windmill site near amsterdam. just back from a week over there. great place but i luv those windmills in your pics. worth a trip to go there again just to see them! my calif. friend lived in wassenaar!! she sent me those pics. thanks.
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