Outside of Holland, Gouda is probably most associated with cheese. We've never seen the summer cheese market, but we've definitely consumed our fair share of the stuff.
The town is also home to the Grote St. Janskerk, which has some of the best stained glass windows in the country. We'll save that for another post.
One final note. The town residents are all aware that most english speakers pronounce the name "goo-da." It must sound like nails on a chalkboard to natives. We learned quickly that the dutch pronounciation is like "how-da" except it sounds like you are clearing your throat when you say the "h." And that's your language lesson for the day. Graag gedaan (and don't even ask how to pronounce that).
Thanks for the pronunciation lesson and the history.
I'm ashamed.....I have not been there yet though I've been living here for some years.....Really need to catch up with some Dutch landmarks!!!
Magnificent cathedral and marketplace. Good to know the correct pronunciation of Gouda.
I must get to Gouda next time I visit Holland. The guy in the red jacket bears such close resemblance to a dear (Dutch) friend, I thought it was him!
wow , amazing . architecture in holland is great . and very interesting post . tks
Magnificent building and great picture.
I find it so amazing to read details like, "finsihed in 1450..." it just brings home how "recent" other places and buildings are in comparison...
If I went to the market and pronounced the cheese correctly, I wonder what kind of cheese I would get?! It's a great lesson--thank you. And the building is remarkable!!
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