These "Pieten" were helping Sinterklass by keeping the crowd entertained during the procession through town.
See you tomorrow for Theme Day.
OK, so not all the pics are from Wassenaar. We just can't keep still! Nonetheless, we hope you enjoy our photos from the area and around The Netherlands.
Sinterklass' helpers are the Zwarte Pieten (literally translated, Black Petes). The Wiki entry has an interesting history/theory on why the Petes are blackfaced, but the story I've heard since we've been here is that it's because of the soot in the chimneys.
Irregardless, the Petes are an integral part of the celebration: during Sint's arrival, they pass out licorice or pepernoten (spice cookies) to the children, and generally act boisterous and have a good time. Leading up to the eve of St. Nicholas, they help Sinterklaas leave sweets in the shoes of the children during the night.
I feel it necessary to say that, as someone who didn't grow up with this tradition, it can take a bit of getting used to. But I must report that the kids along the route really enjoyed the antics of the Pieten.
Naarden is a pleasant little town that happens to have two of the nicest wine shops we've found here ... so we left with the wallet a little lighter.
So, who's the dude? Comenius (Jan Amos Komensky), a Czech-born educator/writer who is known as the father of modern education and after whom a prestigious United Nations education award is named. He spent his last years in The Netherlands escaping religious persecution.