A final look at the Gouden Koets as it passes through The Hague. And you can still see Princess Maxima waving to the crowd.
There's a little bit about the coach, which has been in use for over a century, in english on Wiki.
And that's all for the Prinjesdag pics; next week we'll return to "normal" shots from the area.
A beautiful coach.
Beautiful shot. Althought these might not be "normal" photos from the area, they are wonderful!
Nice photos, I hope you enjoyed this tradition. I,m almost sure you did.
I took a closer look at the intricacies of the coach this time. I'm sure that's all gold leaf (haven't read the Wiki article yet), and I am still overwhelmed by the pomp and opulence.
Thanks for the comments. Dick, I did enjoy it, but the crowd was a little overwhelming. And Kate, it is gilded wood.
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