Continuing with pics of the Prinsjesdag procession: these folks were colorfully decked out in costumes and medals.
Unfortunately, I have no idea what they mean. Watching as the procession left the staging field, there was no narration, and I'm no expert on historic dutch costumes.
I do know that they followed a group of people bearing flags of various "gilden" (see tomorrow's post). That could mean either religious/craftsman guilds (which make more sense), or community "gilden" which are organizations of 50+ citizens that work with tourism, business, and immigration. Maybe one of the dutch readers can shed some light.
Incidentally, americans might recognize the pilgrim-like hats on some of the marchers below. I bet most americans don't know that the pilgrims actually set sail from Holland (England was just a stopover), but I'll speak more to that someday when I get back to Leiden for some more pics.
Hi R&R ,
Haha Wow you got all this pelgrim-like information from where? Thats so funny you know it all,
Thanks for your comments:)
I posted a cows B&W collage today:)
Have a great weekend !
JoAnn :)
I love you titles! I answered your question about which road on my blog...love your visits....and how nice to be able to live in such a beautiful place...my neighbors lived in Holland for 5 years...they really enjoyed that.
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