I commented on our
anniversary post that, through researching blog posts, I've learned a lot about this little town that we've called home for nearly two years. This theme day post is another example.
You might guess that "1944" refers to a war event. But you might not guess that Wassenaar, with its tree-lined streets, big homes and green spaces, played a very significant role in the advancement of warfare.

That's right ... during WWII, the first-ever ballistic missile was fired from occupied Wassenaar. You can read about the V2 in
Wiki and more about the first missile's landing in
Chiswick(London). The dutch resistance provided critical information to the allies about the rockets, launch sites, and factories; you can read more about that

This small plaque sits on an unassuming corner in a quiet part of town ... marking the spot where the launches took place.
We're posting this remotely and can't list all of the sites participating in May's "Numbers" theme day, but you can visit the
City Daily Photo Blog Portal to see more from cities around the world.